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At Trinity Lutheran Child Learning Center, we ignite young minds with knowledge and young hearts with God’s Word. We lead the way in connecting curiosity and learning through innovative teaching methods as we all grow in grace.
We cherish all children as precious gifts from God. We provide a safe and secure Christian environment, promoting learning and early childhood development. Our children connect hearts, hands, and minds in developing to their full potential academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.
Our play-based curriculum emerges from the interests, strengths, and needs of the children. Our students learn to think independently, explore, investigate, and discover through their research-based learning experiences. Academic readiness skills are embedded in their play so the learning experiences are authentic, meaningful and memorable. Our innovative lessons are intermingled with Christian principles and utilize the elements of art, music, play, storytelling, and exploration. Children develop new life skills and discover the beauty of God’s love.
Our success in retaining an experienced and Christian staff helps us sustain a stable, nurturing, and secure environment that not only encourages the academic growth of our
students but fosters the spiritual, social, and emotional needs of each child. Our teachers expertly balance both child-guided and adult-guided learning experiences that respond to the children’s interests and focus on what children need to learn to be successful in school and life. Our teachers work collaboratively to design curriculum and create the essential elements of each child’s learning experience. Our staff members model appropriate behaviors and provide children with guided opportunities to socialize and communicate with each other in a manner that shows they value others and will treat them with respect, kindness, patience, and compassion.
Our thriving school community comprised of our nurturing staff, families of our precious students, the supportive Pastors, members and staff of Trinity Lutheran Church, and our community at large work together to provide an exceptional program for everyone involved. We strive to provide schedules, classes, healthy meals, and additional services that minister to the social, emotional, and spiritual needs of our school community members. We are committed to maintaining high standards, including state licensing and research-based advancements that enhance the child’s learning experience. We look to our school community to assure that our children continually strive to reach their full potential and leave Trinity Lutheran Child Learning Center with the love of Jesus in their hearts and a desire to continue growing in grace.